woensdag, november 29, 2006

Nobody is given a larger cross than he can bear

I just remembered a story my mom once told me.

A man prayed to God, because he couldn't cope with his burden anymore; the cross was too heavy to carry. Please God, please lift this cross from me and give me a smaller one.
And God answered... come, my son. I will let you choose your own cross.
They walked together through an alley, and there were big, dark crosses on the side of the road. Finally they came across one that was considerably smaller.
I will pick this, God! the man heaved a sigh of relief; this one i can carry.
Take this and go in peace, my son. This cross was yours all along...

Maybe it's true.

*no picture this time :)

vrijdag, november 03, 2006

Just a random thought

We don’t talk
The way we used to
Time will pass
and sing the blues

An eye for an eye
A tooth for a tooth

While you’re busy
Judging me
I have no time
To miss you

A pity

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