maandag, april 03, 2006

"If nothing else works... (Vol 1)

...a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through" (Monty Python)

Hello everybody. Sorry again for being away for so long, i've been busy with real life. Anyway, I'm feeling very snappy today. In fact, professionally furious (and for once i'm going to talk about something interesting instead of going on and on about my private life. Consider yourselves lucky!).

About 6 weeks ago a very important building was opened in Tallinn. KuMu - abbreviation derives from the words Kunst (art) + Muuseum (museum, obviously). So, this is our new art museum and exhibition centre. It's supposed to be the biggest in the whole Scandinavia and Baltics region. The building itself cost 50 million USD. Now one would assume that something like that could be a real tourist attraction, n'est pas? But no. Did you bother to click on the link already? Don't. It will "Open soon". Actually they just didn't think about registering the domain in time and now it belongs to someone else who is probably looking to make money on this. And i can't really blame them, at least they were wise enough to take action.

Ok, maybe everything is not lost yet. Maybe some poor tourist is smart enough to look for information in the Art Museum of Estonia web page. Let's try... Yay! A lot of information in Estonian. Not let's see what we can find under the link 'English' in the index page...

I suppose you already guessed that, huh? Obviously the English version is 'under construction'. Nice going, really. I mean, it would probably take a whole hour to put up some basic information about the opening hours and ticket prices in English. And who could spare that precious time on something so insignificant.

I was actually extremely surprised when the director of KuMu happily announced in the opening day that some tourists from Korea and Finland were among the first visitors of the building. I have no idea how they got there. I wonder if they know it themselves. Maybe they just got lost in the city :p


Blogger Chris said...

Well the building looks nice anyway. You could have worse problems.

The other problems sound fixable. I know domain names can be wrestled from cybersquatters, or perhaps the person who onws the domain name wants so few $$$ that it would not take much to get it back? It will not hurt to ask.

Blogger Chris said...

Did that link not work?

Anonymous Anoniem said...

Wow, so many ugly bldgs - so little time to see them all

I keep meaning to ask you
what day is your birthday? I know it's this month sometime - do tell!

Blogger Karin said...

Ehehe Chris, that was funny :) Indeed, i believe the problem will be fixed eventually. It's just that it tends to annoy me when people do so disspeakably stupid things.

Aggie - 25th this month :)
Some love potion is highly acceptable gift, thank you very much. That, or pack Sluggs in if his attitude becomes too much for you ;)

Anonymous Anoniem said...

Ah, that is a very special public holiday here in New Zealand & in Australia. ANZAC Day,where we commemorate our fallen from the 1st World War Gallipoli campaign & since. For the history on the day look at and click on Poppy Day.
I will have to send you Poppy Flowers for your B/Day. (If I send Sluggs with them, he'd no doubt get arrested for drug smuggling)
Helena will mix a special love potion for you and we had better forward Sluggs separately. (I mentioned the Vet word/neuter to him and hes threatening to look for a new home anyway.)
The Dawn ceremony that starts the Day, is held just across the Rd from my House in the grounds of the Auckland Domain where the War Memorial is located and our Museum. So, you see, you are born on a special day of commemoration!

Anonymous Anoniem said...

Imeline koht. Ja kui ei ela seal kääbusi, peab olema teisi olendid ;) . Rumalisi inimesi ...
Sina ... väh? :D

Blogger Karin said...

Aggie - fantastic! And i do love poppies. Not too many of them growing in these parts of the world anymore because of the drug thing (and well, it used to grow here wild, so in my view it's totally unnatural to destroy them! grrrrrr)
And have a drink for me on that day :)

Wouter - ise oled :p

Blogger Chris said...

I would like to say that it is not fair to blame Churchill for Gallipoli.


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