maandag, april 24, 2006

My liverleaf day arriving

Hey all :) it's April, right? I've decided to cut down on being miserable. Plus, looking at the time, in New Zealand and Australia it's my birthday already. Big party coming this friday, so everybody, prepare. I'm expecting at least a moral support, even if you can't hop on a plane and fly over :)

A while ago i had a discussion with my friend Peter about proverbs. I was looking for an English equivalent for Estonian proverb 'Igaüks on oma õnne sepp'. He said it should go 'We are the architects of our own fortune'.
Of course the literal translation from Estonian (the no-nonsense peasant language) would be 'One is the smith of one's own happiness'.

Now i'm really interested how the same saying goes in other languages. Greek, Portuguese, Hindi, Dutch, French, German, Norwegian, you name it! all posts are most welcome. It doesn't have to say the same thing, just about give the same meaning. So as a birthday present :) i'd like you to write me the saying in original language and also the translation in English.

I will then print them all out, stick the paper to the wall and read like a mantra every morning. Now that should do the job, wouldn't you think?


Anonymous Anoniem said...

Have a great party on Friday - have one or two drinkies for us won't you.
The nearest proverb, in English, that I can think of to this would be"Life is what you make it."

But a longer saying from Carlos Castaneda is
"We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same."

Enjoy your special day.

Anonymous Anoniem said...

One from John Ruskin is:
"Dream Lofty Dreams and as you dream, so shall you become."
Have a grouse-mouse of a great time on Friday!

Anonymous Anoniem said...

Oh, I have to put in my two cents worth now as well.
"The Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
Eleanor Roosevelt.

Cheers for a great party on Friday - we'll be thinking of you.

Anonymous Anoniem said...

Hey there sweetie-pie:)

Hope you have a lovely B-day with good friends and strong cocktails ;)

With regards to your "present", the nearest things I can think of in Greek would be:

"Όπως έστρωσες θα κοιμηθείς" which translates into "the bed you make is the one you'll have to sleep in"


"Σύν Αθηνά και χείρα κίνει" which translates into "Move your own hand (act/work) along with Athena (the goddess)". In short: don't expect things to just happen without any work on your part...

If you want you can also check out some more proverbs and their English "translation" here:

Virtual B-day Hugs and Kisses!!!


Anonymous Anoniem said...

Mmhhh. Not exactly the same but "de wereld verbeteren begint bij jezelf" - "improving the world starts with yourself". Others don't come at once. :s
'll write more later :) .
Enyoy the birthday!

Blogger Vikram Udyawar said...

"On this moment eternity is hinged."

Blogger Bettina said...

How interesting, it goes exactely the same in German: "Jeder ist seines Glueckes Schmied" literally means "Everyone is the smith of his own happiness". So you Estonians and us Swiss had the same idea it seems- obviously, great minds think alike. Or they just copied from the same place.

Happy Birthday again, beautiful, you deserve the best. Love, B.

Anonymous Anoniem said...

We all think that is a lovely photo of you btw
Love, Aggs, FMP, Helena & Sluggums-cat

Blogger Peter said...

Well... in the language of my homeland it would be "We are the architects of our own misfortune".

And in English it would be... erm... exactly the same...

Have a great birthday. :)

Blogger Auntie Sam said...

well, well, I have something in Italian, maybe...

"quello che semini, raccogli"

literally it is not so easy to give the right idea but the meaning is:
"if you seed a good seed, one day you'll have a beautiful flower"

hope the best for you and happy fucking birthday, girl ;-)))

Blogger oranzkapsas said...

Palju Õnne Sünnipäevaks, Kallis Karin !

Anonymous Anoniem said...

if you're interested in classics first version of your proverb i heard was the latin "fabrum esse suae quemque fortunae" which is literally the same.
"ciò che semini raccogli" (you'll harvest what you've sawn) is a most popular version in italy, but my granny (my personal proverb wells) used to say "nel letto che ti rifai, ci dormi" (which sounds like the greek "you'll sleep in the bed you made up"
i don't know how much it's worth a delayed happy birthday, but best wishes

Anonymous Anoniem said...

hey karin,

ma nägin su blog esimene kord..miks sa ei öelnud midagi sellest???

loodan et sul oli hea sünnipäev ja loodan ka et saame aasta pärast hollandi keeles rääkida..

ka leidsin odav lennupilletid eestisse..siis loodan et saan see aasta eestisse minna..

kalli ja musi sulle, Lianne

Anonymous Anoniem said...

Hi Karin/All,

In hindi, 'Igaüks on oma õnne sepp' should be 'hum apni kismat ko khud tarashte hai'. It literally means in english 'we our fortune ourselves carve', meaning "we carve our fortune ourselves".

Anonymous Anoniem said...

Vimal said...

Belated Birthday wishes. You look cute.
Once again, u r my window to estonia!

Anonymous Anoniem said...

Vimal said...

Belated Birthday wishes. You look cute.
Once again, u r my window to estonia!

Anonymous Anoniem said...

Vimal said...

Belated Birthday wishes. You look cute.
Once again, u r my window to estonia!

Anonymous Anoniem said...

How are you doing Karin? Hope the Birthday went great for you?

Blogger Miguel Werner Egipsy Souza Agnelo said...

Love this pic!
Hum apne kushi ke malik ho!
could be wrong :P

Anonymous Anoniem said...

Hey Karen - it's been a couple of months? Is all well with you? One line per months is better than no news at all. Cheers.

Anonymous Anoniem said...

hey,,karin..janam din mubarak ho.(hindi),huttu habbada shubhashaya galu.(kannada),vat divasa cha shubechcha(marathi)...happy birthday to you...

tuch aahe tuja jivanacha shilpakaar...(marathi..1 of the indian languges) are the arcitect of your own future..
enjoy life full..

Anonymous Anoniem said...

Come back Karin - tell us how you are doing? Thinking of you?

Blogger Vest said...

True, we are the architects of own destiny, provided we have freedom of choice, which sadly is not available in some global areas.

Love your portrait.

BTW. You look gorgeous.

Anonymous Anoniem said...

Happy Liverleaf day arriving again soon for you Karen. Hope all is well with you ad that you enjoy your birthday. Cheers.


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