dinsdag, februari 21, 2006

Home sweet home

When something goes up, it must come down. Perhaps a simple pendulum effect that has to bring you down from the heights sooner or later (usually sooner)?

Last night i was completely under the spell of a magical waltz. This morning on my way to the office, still carrying a smile on my face, i saw a police car standing on the sidewalk in front of this old decayed building. As i tried to squeeze myself through the wall and the car, i overheard one officer calling the forensics: will you please come to this address, here's a female corpse that has been identified... Bloody hell! My heart jumped.

At the moments like this people prove to be truly selfish, don't we? I was deeply disturbed, but not because of the poor woman lying there who probably had a family and things to do in life, i was worried about myself and trying to fight this creepy feeling that i will have from now on whenever i have to pass by that house again. I don't even know whether she died of an illness, alcohol/drug overdose (very likely) or was killed (also likely in this neighbourhood), but whatever happened, it's a miserable way to go.


Anonymous Anoniem said...

We hope it wasn't from the cold - My brother just got back from 8 weeks in Europe and said it had been a very, very cold winter for everyone over there. Our seasons are back to front and we have just had a lovely summer - just starting to cool very slightly in the evenings again.
You & I DO have the same taste - if you like my 'stylish' mystery picture for Aggie's Place. As soon as I saw it I had to 'borrow it' from the ever so good artist! It is just what I want to potray Aggie's cool! Thanks so much for that link to the Art.

Blogger Karin said...

It is not that cold anymore, but your brother was right, it dropped to -35C at night in the end of January. Horrible...
Don't thank me, it's a pleasure :)


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