zondag, april 02, 2006

Feeling grateful

Hello everybody, and sorry for my long absence.

Today i just need to say that... i only just realised how lucky i am. I have a couple of really great, loving, best friends who are always willing to help with everything in their power.
There are many wonderful people, not only here but all around the world who are always unbelievably kind and thoughtful with me.
And - I have the bravest, most adorable daughter in the whole world.

Love you all so much :) And thanks!
(i'll be filling this blog again in no time)


Anonymous Anoniem said...

Welcome Back - hope all is well. How old is your daughter? We will wait to hear your news.

Blogger Bettina said...

Hello beautiful,

To be able to feel grateful for all that's good in the world is a wonderful thing. There is so much good around us, just waiting to be discovered, so many beautiful people just waiting to be smiled at, litte lucky "coincidences" that make you feel good. It's all about keeping your eyes open, isn't it. It's a gift to be able to see and appreciate beauty and I'm very glad you are one of those people who can. You are truly beautiful, thank you for entering my life... Bettina

Blogger Chris said...

Relationships are everything.

Blogger Vaishnavi Tekumalla said...

It's people like that, who make life such a wonderful thing and the world such a beautiful place!

Anonymous Anoniem said...

On this day you gained something more than anything material.


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